Martha Colton

About Martha Colton is a leading website covering everything about menopause, second spring, and much more.

About Me

My name is Martha Colton. I am a 66 years old widow from Rutledge, Tennessee.

Martha Colton

I married my high school sweetheart, Robert, right out of school, and together we had the most beautiful children: Christopher and Sarah.

They’re all grown up now and have families of their own. They’ve given me 5 grandchildren (Joshua, Ashley, Tyler, Matthew, and Jacob) that I love more than I ever thought possible.

Unfortunately, life sometimes takes some dark turns, and a heart attack took Robert from us 10 years ago.

About This Website

Some time ago, my grandson Joshua told me about this blogging thing and I figured I could share my own experience with other women.

We go through significant changes when we reach menopause. It can feel overwhelming…

With this blog, I’m trying to help all women understand that we’re not alone when going through these changes in our lives.

A while ago, we decided to pool our resources together with my friends. We hired an agency to create our own website design and handle all the technical things for us. This way I can focus on what I like: informing and helping people.

Let’s learn to enjoy our second spring together.